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Azure Repo Step by Step Guide- Move / Migrate Existing/New Repository to Azure Repo

Move/Migrate your existing/new  repository to Azure Repo


  1. Create Your  New repository in my case I have created “FabrikamFiber

  1. We will use git command to push our local repository to Azure Repo.

  1. Open command prompt and go to your local code directory :
    1. In my case it will be “C:\Ashok\Test\FabrikamFiber>”

Local code directory

  1. Run the  following command step by step

> git init

> git remote add FabrikamFiber /_git/ FabrikamFiber  (get this path from step 2. Push existing repository using command line)

Change origin in actual command with your repo name

> git push -u FabrikamFiber –all  

Change origin in actual  command with your repo name


This should push your code repository to specified Azure repo. Please refer to following screen for your reference.


In case if you get following  error while executing push command.


No refs in common and none specified; doing nothing.

Perhaps you should specify a branch such as 'master'.

Everything up-to-date

Please try the following command in order and then try pushing the code

Ensured my untracked files are tracked

git add -A

Performed a local commit

git commit -m "first version" -a

Now push the files to my remote repo

git push -u FabrikamFiber master







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